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Logan, Utah: 435.752.2263
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The Stonehouse Bakery is honored to support the following nonprofit groups that provide critical assistance, encouragement, hope and joy. These 501(c)3 nonprofit organizations have changed my life and the lives of my neighbors and friends. I am grateful for their commitment to bring communities together in service and love.

Cache Community Food Pantry
The Cache Community Food Pantry (CCFP) is an emergency food assistance program whose goal is to ensure that no one in Cache Valley goes to bed hungry. For many, an unexpected car repair, an illness or an accident becomes a crisis that forces them to choose between groceries or rent, utilities and healthcare. The CCFP staff provide food assistance to individuals and families during their toughest times. The CCFP is a non-denominational, non-government organization. For more information on the needs of the CCFP and how to help, please click on the link below.

Cache Community Food Pantry


Chapters of Hope

Children everywhere deserve the opportunity to think big, to dream about what they want to be when they grow up. Often it is through the wonder of books that such dreams are ignited in the hearts and minds of children.

For many children globally, however, books are not readily available. The wonders of space and art, music and drama, sports and travel and science, are not freely open to their minds because their access to books is so limited. A boy in Ghana or a girl in the Philippines may never own his or her own book and may never know the thrill of being a master sleuth or of flying through the galaxies toward a new adventure.

Until now.

The gift of knowledge is a priceless, life-changing gift. Together we can give hope to thousands of children worldwide. By participating in Chapters of Hope, you will not just be giving a book, you will be changing a life. Please click on the link below to learn more about and donate to Chapters of Hope.


The Road Home

We all need a place we can call home. The mission of The Road Home is to help people step out of homelessness and back into our community in Salt Lake County and along the Wasatch Front. This amazing private social services agency provides emergency shelter and personalized case management to help people overcome the challenges that have led them to becoming homeless.

The staff and volunteers at The Road Home “envision people moving from the cold streets into warm housing; from despair and alienation toward home and inclusion.” Please click on the link below to learn more about and contribute to this extraordinary group.

The Road Home


Utah Festival Opera & Musical Theatre

Michael Ballam, Founder and General Director of the Utah Festival Opera & Musical Theatre (UFOMT), wrote in the 1993 Inaugural Program:

The ingredient that has allowed this noble effort to materialize can be found in the beloved dream song of “Naughty Marietta”…that “Sweet Mystery of Life”…LOVE. Love of the lofty arts, love of striving for excellence, love of a community, for its heritage and potential.

For the past twenty years, Michael and the staff and artists of the UFOMT have kept their promise to bring that love, that ennobling and inspiring musical experience to our community. For more information on the 2013 UFOMT Season and on ways to support their mission, please click on the link below.

Utah Festival Opera & Musical Theatre

How May We Help You?  Please Call Us!  |  TOLL FREE: 855.245.BAKE (2253) |  Monday - Saturday  |  8 AM - 6 PM MST
Logan, Utah Customers: Please Call 435.752.2263
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