Toll Free: 855.245.(BAKE) 2253
Logan, Utah: 435.752.2263
Local Pickup: Love to Cook (795 N. Main St., Logan, Utah)
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Refunds Policy

If you are not completely satisfied, please contact us within thirty days and we will refund the price of the cake. That is our risk-free guarantee. Our guarantee applies to your experience in consuming Stonehouse Bakery products only. It does not apply to issues beyond our control such as shipping problems, lost or delayed shipments, products returned due to bad addresses, etc.

How May We Help You?  Please Call Us!  |  TOLL FREE: 855.245.BAKE (2253) |  Monday - Saturday  |  8 AM - 6 PM MST
Logan, Utah Customers: Please Call 435.752.2263
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